Signer Sponsored Petitions
Many signers at GoPetition express an interest in doing more for their cause than just signing a petition. To this end, GoPetition offers various opportunities to support petition causes. Listed below are petitions that have been sponsored by petition signers, supporters or the GoPetition team. The list below is designed to facilitate extra traffic and campaign exposure for campaigns seeking local, regional, national and/or international reach.
- Stop Moorebank Recycling Plant
- Letter in Support of Additional Funding for At-Risk Students
- Stop Cruelty towards Bears
- Oppose Loretta Lynch for Attorney General
- America Needs You ASAP! The Iranian Deal Must Be Checked By Article II, Section II, Clause II - Demand It! Deal To Be Reached By March 24 - By Janine Turner & Juliette Turner
- Save our Assistant Principals!
- HGTV: Stop Discriminating Against Pro-Life Christians
- Call for Government Action to Stop Female Genocide In India
- Nico's Ninjas Helps Nico Meet Bruno Mars
- Community Standards with Fair Standards for ALL
- Reconsider the recall notice to the High Commissioner Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe
- Remove ALL Speed and Red-light Cameras from Australian Roads
- Save the French IS Program in Miami’s Public Schools
- Congress Must Ban Abortions Because Babies Feel Intense Pain
- وثيقة جمع توقيعات تطالب الرئيس السيسى والحكومة بإنشاء قناة تلفزيونية مصرية دولية على غرار البى بي سي والسي إن إن و أر تى وسي سي تي ڤي
- Stop the Casino at the Source Mall in Westbury
- Stop Roundup use in Portland, Maine
- Stop Sexual Harrassment Against Women in Zimbabawe
- Ban Tasers Today
- Allow Nigerians in Diaspora to Register to Vote in Nigeria's General Elections
- Save Culzean Castle, Turnberry and Electric Brae from wind turbines
- Legalize medical cannabis for terminaly ill cancer patients
- End Bear Bile Farming In Korea, Fewer Than 20 Left In The Wild ~ 대통령 이명박/환경부장관 이만의
- Demand Full Public Consultation on Ontario Sex-Ed Curriculum Changes
- Petition for a new ACS professional division – Cannabis Chemists
- Revise And Amend The Current Feral Hog Transportation Laws
- Lower Australian Indigenous People's Retirement Age to 55 years
- Botox for pelvic pain