Signer Sponsored Petitions
Many signers at GoPetition express an interest in doing more for their cause than just signing a petition. To this end, GoPetition offers various opportunities to support petition causes. Listed below are petitions that have been sponsored by petition signers, supporters or the GoPetition team. The list below is designed to facilitate extra traffic and campaign exposure for campaigns seeking local, regional, national and/or international reach.
- UK - Bring In The Death Penalty For Paedophiles & Child Sex Abusers
- Grant Clemency to Death Penalty Victim Devender Pal Singh Bhullar
- Ban The Sale of Animals In Pet Shops
- Support Tougher Sentences for Animal Cruelty
- No to the Industrialisation of Mid Wales
- Truth in Justice - Reform Adversarial Legal System to Inquisitorial System
- Stop the Government from Cutting Medicare to Psychologists, Social Workers and Occupational Therapists
- STOP Fines for Defects
- Support for NJ Mandatory Vaccine Conscientious Belief Exemption Legislation
- Change for Ontario Disability Support Program polices and directives and the ODSP Act
- No 2 Religion, Yes 2 Faith
- Water is a Right to Sustain Life Not to Make a Profit
- Fair pay for Royal cleaners
- Save pure mathematics at the VU University Amsterdam
- Aboriginal Workers Exploited Under SIHIP Program
- Australian Christians against the ACL
- Urge the Chinese Government to set Up Laws against Animal Cruelty
- Save our pet bunnies from myxo
- Support a UN 5th World Conference on Women (5WCW)
- Support Al-Furqan IIC for Place of Assembly and Information Centre permit
- Save Our Mercury
- Ban Puppy Mills
- ΟΧΙ στην "εικαζόμενη συναίνεση" για δωρεά οργάνων σώματος
- Stop this kind of animal cruelty in Turkey!
- La Femme Nikita Anniversary, Tribute DVD
- Stop the destruction of Dugong habitats at Gladstone
- Πρωτοβουλία για τη Συγκρότηση Επιτροπής Λογιστικού Ελέγχου του Ελληνικού Δημόσιου Χρέους (