Judges and Attorneys Violate the Rules, Commit Fraud Upon the Court, and Corrupt the Legal Process. Make People of Color… read more
The new U.S.-Afghanistan security agreement adds restrictions on already bureaucratic rules of engagement for American troops by making Afghan dwellings… read more
The Concussion Education and Prevention Agency is a comprehensive concussion education and testing firm created by athletes for athletes. Our… read more
Mrs. R Warwick (Headteacher at DGS) would like to enforce a ban on mobile phones, ipods and any other electrical… read more
These orange vests that the school is making us wear are a safety hazard and a health hazard, 1) Everyone… read more
The Senate of the United States of America is designed to represent all voices and opinions of senators voting on… read more
Many Democrats within the California Democratic Party receive financial compensation to lobby or advocate on behalf of propositions and candidates.… read more
This year at Essex Tech, students are prohibited from wearing hats and hooded sweatshirts in their CTE areas for safety… read more
For years we have been subjected to archaic rules and policy passed on from colonialism. No sleeveless clothing No shorts… read more
The dog (in true people's minds also memorized as doggo) of Lord Jurrd has become a legend. Now his profile… read more