my name is dylan and i have been "traumatically brain-injured" since 1990. i feel i am being discriminated against because… read more
Hi everyone, unfortunately it has recently, in late August 2012, come to my attention and full realisation that with the… read more
It's based on well established research showing that the single most frequent reason stated by surrendering pet owners for relinquishing… read more
With this petition, I plan to address the President of the United States and all of America, that bullying needs… read more
As a person on Social Security Disability, I was startled to discover that Goodwill does not provide discounts for Persons… read more
In December, 2012, Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn wrote an article attacking the personal choice of Mr Upton, a primary… read more
Mothers are the primary carers everywhere in the world. Caring for children, sick, disabled and elderly people is work vital… read more
Across the country politicians and councillors use the media to promote themselves, promote causes, address local issues and answer queries.… read more
Electric and Gas companies are charging every consumer resident almost 80% more to use electricity and gas services. Your actual… read more
For many hundreds of years the public has been ill-advised by those that should have been in the know yet… read more