Please visit our Facebook page at: Egyptian-Belgian journalist Khaled Diab is now hosting my article about this letter at… read more
On the 1st March, 2010, leading Iranian film-maker Jafar Panahi was arrested in Tehran, Iran, under allegations of anti-governmental activities.… read more
For many years now the Australian people have been denied the right to carry weapons to use for their personal… read more
為什麼港府對窮人錙銖必較,對富人卻可慷慨解囊,大花669億興建高鐵? 為什麼港府可以從沒諮詢受影響居民而決定走線? 近日一些朋友團體就政府高鐵方案顯示的種種問題及18號立法會財務委員會可能通過政府669億巨額的撥款要求深感不安,希望能集合關心社會發展、民生福祉、致力改善貧富縣殊、心繫民主發展的社福界人仕集體發聲,就以下三點提出我們的意見及要求: 1.反對政府在推行高鐵方案過程中欠諮詢、隱瞞資料、不尊重村民不遷不拆的訴求、不回應大角咀及其他高鐵沿線受影響居民的查詢並拒絕對話、賤視民間專家及市民意見等黑箱作業的尊斷獨裁作風; 2. 要求政府應以公平、公開、公正原則善用公帑,並以投資改善民生建設、發展本土經濟為先,展開如何有責任地運用669憶的社會討論; 3. 要求立法會議員於18號財務委員會撥款上監察政府、維護市民公平受惠的權利,反對撥款。 初步構思的行動包括: 1. 就以上各點草擬一份聲明、廣傳社福界及服務使用者,邀請聯署,希望能在15號前收集一千個簽名 (網址 2. 在本月15號就聯署要求在立法會(近愛丁堡廣場)召開記者會,公佈網上聯署結果,並要求立法會議員回應。有興趣出席的同工可聯絡女工會胡美蓮27904848或正委會葉寶琳25603865,或電郵予。 3. 在本月17號在蘋果日報刊登聯署聲明。 懇切希望你們能加入聯署行動,並就刊登聯署聲明作出捐款。 請於2009年12月16日或之前,將聯署費用(個人/團體捐款HK$50或以上)以劃線支票(抬頭請註明「香港天主教正義和平委員會」)形式寄到「西灣河大石街一號李宏基牧民中心302室」,或直接存入正委的銀行戶口(匯豐銀行082-013533-001),收據請傳真至25398023或寄到以上地址。 謝謝! read more
Türkiye'nin dört bir yanında doğayı, kentleri, kentlerin içindeki yaşama alanlarımızı ve doğal ve kültürel mirası korumak-kurtarmak-geliştirmek için toplumsal demokratik mücadele… read more
John Freshwater, a two-time "Teacher of the Year," including in 2007, is under investigation by Mount Vernon City Schools for… read more
The University of Calgary recently attempted to censor and intimidate a group of its own students who wished to engage… read more
Please sign this petition if you oppose the use of fluoride in the water supply of Greater Sudbury. read more
For many years Wasaga Beach has had a dog friendly beach. Two years ago the endangered Piping Plover started nesting… read more
Lift the smoking ban imposed on the State of Illinois and all residents. read more