The American Indian is a person with an identity. The use of the American Indian Mascot is suggesting otherwise, and… read more
The most important concern of the people is the safety of our children once they leave the house every morning… read more
We teens love to chat at school. We should be able to check and talk on myspace at school. read more
This is a membership organization of both "Scholars and Citizens" who are seeking reform within the high and state Courts… read more
Jericho was an excellent TV Drama and should not get cancelled for a drama about a vampire, a musical and… read more
The City of Berkeley provides guidelines for obtaining a seismic retrofit tax rebate when purchasing a home in the City.… read more
Rio Franklin, a 15 year old male, is a juvenile under the custody of the state of Illinois. He has… read more
The average age of first Internet exposure to pornography is 11 years old. (Internet Pornography Statistics. Internet Filter Review, 2004.)… read more
We need to help protect the single parents here in America. Why is it we have laws so that gays,… read more
In deregulated markets like Texas and New York, customers have the right to choose their utility provider. In New Mexico… read more