Election Day. For many people this was a chance to voice their opinion, be a part of their country, and… read more
The United Nations needs a rapid deployment volunteer force(paid by UN peacekeeping budget) that is properly trained in peace making… read more
Stop the use by people of phones in vehicles on our highways. The lack of attention to others around them… read more
The Diamondback Terrapin may be under increasing harvesting pressure. This species is a prized food item in many urban markets… read more
Many television viewers were shocked and saddened to witness the ultimate in gratuitous television violence. CBS' "Survivor" has capitalized upon… read more
We the undersigned do strongly believe that the History Channel(TM) and A&E(TM) Cable Networks have betrayed the trust of Civil… read more
A cause that has no humanitarin and no geographic boundaries calls for our immediate attention. It is that of the… read more
Just to see how many people really want WZA & CM back! read more
The USA is a country that prides itself on diversity and the melding of cultures. The first dog of our… read more
That's it Goku! read more