If you are a student at any University, you will already know the amount of effort that your tutors put… read more
Due to the manner of their inhabitance of the university perimeter, the student body requests that the NYPD Mounted Unit… read more
There has been numerous accidents in the student parking lot at my school. The cause of those accidents are students… read more
WHAT IS A LIVING WAGE? The Living Wage is the minimum hourly rate someone has to earn to afford everyday… read more
The government’s Higher Education White Paper threatens our institutions with an unprecedented wave of privatisation modelled on the disastrous experience… read more
Currently, students from polytechnics and universities pay twice as much in bus fares compared to their peers in junior colleges… read more
So this Student Services and Amenities Fee...It’s your money that goes to your uni, then they decide what to spend… read more
On February 10th, 2012, WLUFA filed for a "no board report." In early March, WULFA will have the ability to… read more
The current standard of public transport to La Trobe is a joke. The LTSU believes in fair and equal access… read more
Do you want to prevent a strike? Do you think that tutorial sizes are too large? Are more TAs needed… read more