Whether you wish to remain apart of the European union or not, this issue has become so important that it… read more
The Government of Ontario has stated its intention to sell 60% of Hydro One Inc. a Crown Corporation. The government… read more
Recent polls show that around 75% of Australians are in favour of legalising voluntary euthanasia. A poll in 2010 by… read more
To εξαγγελθέν δημοψήφισμα υπέρ ή κατά μιας ενδιάμεσης και πλέον ανύπαρκτης πρότασης των θεσμών θέτει σε κίνδυνο την ευρωπαϊκή πορεία… read more
The Greek people were asked in the 5th July Referendum to accept the outline of the agreement submitted by the… read more
Since 1994, South Africa is embroiled in a dispute between the ANC, and the EFF later, and the country's white… read more
Why don't over 2 million British Citizens have the right to vote in the forthcoming UK referendum on membership of… read more
Following NUS National Conference 2016 students across the country have started asking bigger questions when discussing their relationship with NUS… read more
The facts In the past, Trudeau has expressed his support for a preferential ballot system, where voters in a particular… read more
I was unable to vote in the EU referendum because I am 17, not 18. Nonetheless, I don’t understand why… read more