Poway High School and many other schools have a serious drug problem with our students. One way to help control… read more
In a fragile yet technologically driven society where severe independence and emotions rule the "nation" of our youth's culture; it… read more
Cassandra Cain was the second Batgirl. A character who did justice to a vibrant legacy with a solid ongoing. She… read more
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, as seen in Whale Wars, is led by Paul Watson, a man who has dedicated… read more
Recognizing the State's Right to establish and maintain a Constitution separate from, but liable to, the United States Constitution: The… read more
"Girlfriends" was a wonderful show with a wonderful cast and grew to become a quality show. Unfortunately, us fans were… read more
Former Steeler defensive back Jack Butler deserves to be in the NFL Hall of Fame. Jack's playing statistics warrant his… read more
Por que los fetos se vuelven humanos noventa días después de la concepción según dicen ciertos legisladores? Nadie conoce la… read more
The United States Congress no longer is conducting the business of the government, instead partisan politics runs the day. We… read more
The Belchertown Land Trust is going to remove the Upper Bondsville Dam which will alter and eradicate acres of wetlands… read more