A few years ago KFC brought out a Zinger Twister for a limited time, I'm petitioning for them to bring… read more
The the result this most recent Saturday was appalling. I believe that Kate should withdraw and allow Gabby to return… read more
I would like to register an objection to the proposed site of the temporary showground on the A6 at Barton.… read more
Billie Piper was brilliant at playing Rose Tyler in Doctor Who, but the question is: What happened afterwards? read more
Western Australians have voted No three times to daylight savings. Despite this our Government has gone against the wishes of… read more
Academy Ave, has become a literal drag strip where cars race down the Avenue well in excess of the posted… read more
1 in 10 children and young people aged 5 - 16 suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder. 1 in… read more
IMPORTANT UPDATE 11/16/07: BOE met last night. No supporters of the petition were present, only myself, the author. Therefore, the… read more
I have lived in Erie County all of my life. I know these events are true from the media, and… read more
Would you accept an organ to live? If the answer is yes, then surely you would want to give an… read more