Over 250,000 healthy cats and dogs are being put down per year, due to the issue of over breeding resulting… read more
Wire rope barriers are dangerous and expensive. Where they have been installed, motorcyclists colliding with them have suffered horrific injuries… read more
There are laws governing the safety of divers that work in the North Sea, that have prevented accidents and deaths… read more
On 3rd August 2009 Hayley was killed in a car crash aged 17. The driver, Sadat Hakim was found guilty… read more
Drugs in the music and movie business have taken many lives over the years. At no point has the industry… read more
On Monday, a picture became circulated of a helpless infant dieing in water in a red bucket in a HOSPITAL… read more
The Orangutans are the two exclusively Asian species of extant great apes that are native to Indonesia and Malaysia. Highly… read more
The death penalty has become time consuming, cost-inefficient and has had no clear effect on the deterrence of crime. In… read more
Abortions are taking the life of Innocent fetuses. People say abortion should be legal if the pregnancy is because of… read more
This site offers people to watch all kinda of graphic videos of murder, rape, animal attacks and other videos kids,… read more