In China the death penalty is still being used to execute thousands and thousands of people yearly. It is estimated… read more
Our mother was admitted to a local hospital on June 13th 2013. her main complaint was vomiting and pain in… read more
Kyisha passed away aged 8, she was in the care of DoCS when she died of a drug overdose. Kyisha… read more
I am a young person who thinks animals need a voice to not be treated unfairly in any way shape… read more
Over the next few days you will see David Cameron and the Tories shedding crocodile tears and telling the world… read more
If you are to boil water down to nothing anywhere in the world that water will show you its true… read more
Alaworo Estate is a community along Badagry Lagos State. It is occupied by every type of Nigeria citizen and ethnicity,… read more
The recent casual and occupational exposures to ebola hemmorrhagic fever in the United States and elsewhere, dramatically underscores the immediate… read more
The largest ever Ebola outbreak is underway in several countries in West Africa. The epidemic continues to grow and spread… read more
My son was born on May 4th, 1983 and he died on July 10th, 1983. He died of SIDS -… read more