1- The situation is that we as Meijer employees deserve better pay, longer breaks and better benefits. 2- What we… read more
At first they called it Global Warming and now it is called climate change. It is a scam and the… read more
This petition is to insure that Ronald "Winky" Wright, one of the most avoided boxers of this or any generation,… read more
The Star Spangled Banner Lyrics 4th Verse By Francis Scott Key 1814 Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall… read more
THE CITY OF NEWARK LAW Skateboarding Restrictions: When signs are erected giving notice thereof, the use of skateboards is prohibited… read more
I, Cynthia Johnson, am pleading with you all to support me in my continuous quest for advocacy and support. I… read more
The water taxi is a taxi that goes from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and lands at Ponce Inlet near some… read more
Whereas: The Safety and Security of the People of Texas is at risk due to a lax border security and… read more
The earth shook once, it was 4:53 in the afternoon. It was suppose to be a regular day. I was… read more
On any given day, there can be more than 17, 000 vehicles on campus just belonging to students, faculty and… read more