Canada Family Action

One specific disturbing area of taxpayer abuse comes from the Department of Heritage and Official Languages.

It’s budget in 2010 was 3.1 BILLION – yes billion dollars of your money. We want you to know to whom that tax money was given.

Here are some "benefactors"; a group called FACTOR received $8.7 million to funnel to friends and music type projects. Factor funded a Vancouver punk rock “band” to produce an album titled Holy S*!t which contained very offensive content and graphics.

Another organization, Telefilm, received $104 million dollars last year. In the past couple of years it has funded films most Canadians would consider objectionable, including Young people F…ing, The Masturbators and The Year of the Carnivore (1.2 million ), the latter of which we question whether it contains child pornography images.
Funding for both these groups seems to given with no proper accountability or review.

The Canadian Council for the Arts received $183 Million and the National Film Board $69 Million, both annual recipients of millions of your dollars.

The CBC also received about $1.1 billion from Heritage budget last year, with a promise of more this year.

Heritage department policy and objectives state that it funds sustainable projects. The laundry list of recipients that receive money over and over is long and objectionable. Sustainable funding of unsustainable arts projects is a violation of Heritage policy. James Moore publicly bragged about how his government had given more money to the arts community in 2010 than any other government.

Canada has record debt and a large budget deficit. Taxpayers cannot afford this kind of waste.

We, the citizens of Canada ask Finance Minister Flaherty, Prime Minister Harper and government of Canada to STOP TAXPAYER ABUSE.

Every year information comes out about via media stories, the Auditor General or public becoming aware of tax dollar waste. One specific disturbing area of taxpayer abuse/waste comes from the Department of Heritage and Official Languages.

It’s budget in 2010 was $3.1 BILLION – yes billion of your money.

Some of areas of waste: a group called FACTOR received $8.7 million to funnel to friends and music type projects. Factor funded a Vancouver punk rock “band” to produce an album titled Holy S*!t which contained very offensive content and graphics.

Telefilm, received $104 million dollars last year. In the past couple of years it has funded films most Canadians consider objectionable, including Young people F…ing, The Masturbators and The Year of the Carnivore (1.2 million ), the latter of which we question whether it contains child pornography images.

The Canadian Council for the Arts received $183 Million and the National Film Board $69 Million, both annual recipients of millions of your dollars.

The CBC also in 2010 received about $1.1 billion from Heritage budget.

Canada has record debt and a large budget deficit, yet Heritage Minister Moore continues to funnel your earned tax dollars to projects that are unaccountable, not scrutinized, non-sustainable and objectionable.

We taxpayers ask that the Heritage budget be CUT by 50% in 2012 and all other government departments be deeply scrutinized also.
We ask the Finance Minister to salvage $1.5 billion from Heritage Minister’s budget.

Contact your MP by pasting this link into your browser: http://www.parl.gc.ca/Default.aspx?Language=E
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The STOP taxpayer abuse petition to Canada Family Action was written by Brian Rushfeldt and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.