ECP Acquisitions, LLC ("ECP") is the owner of eight vacant lots totaling approximately 10.3 acres on Tortuoso Way, just opposite… read more
President Mwai Kibaki lacks one of the most important qualifications for a leader, which is communication skills. The president has… read more
Local developer is building 43 duplexes for section 8 housing. This housing will be offered to low-income and government assisted… read more
Letter To the editor Milton Ulladulla Times, August 5th 2009 Why Woolworths? Is it sustainable or just going to be… read more
Otago Lane is under threat from a massive planned development. Otago Lane is a beautiful West End conservation area with… read more
Waratah Park Earth Sanctuary, Home of Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, is currently leased by Prudentia Investments and its future is… read more
Edith Cowan University management have no plans to maintain the majority of bushland areas on the university grounds. It is… read more
The former RAF Yatesbury airfield dates back to WWI and the only reaming airfield with complete suite of buildings and… read more
Nottingham City Council plan to develop housing and a Stadium on Rushcliffe green belt land. Media releases suggest plans for… read more
מעל 40 שנה שחוצות היוצר מאכלס אומנים שונים שנבחרו ליצור לרגלי העיר העתיקה. לאחרונה קיבלו כל… read more