Sailormoon is a role model to kids of all ages in the episodes and with her "Sailormoon Says" add ons.… read more
As alumni of the College for Creative Studies, we feel we have made a great investment with our time and… read more
With the growing number of Powder Horn property owners we feel it is time to increase our recycling efforts. We… read more
The town of Middleburg, Pennsylvania has access to DSL and Cable internet access. It is unfair that the town has… read more
We must raise the share of renewable energy from 7% to 25% in the overall energy production by 2020. This… read more
We as Citiznes of the United States of America are sick and tired of paying top dollar for our gasoline.… read more
I am writing this petition to not only target people and put them down but to let them no what… read more
“We” as the people and leaders in whence “We” have come from and inherited from our forefathers 233 years ago… read more
COST; The cost of detaining a convicted murderer, as opposed to eliminating a convicted murderer. If one were to sit… read more
In spring 2007 the Board of Commissioners authorized the Community Development Agency to develop the River Line Master Plan (RLMP).… read more