Many skate parks are being made in the United States, and many of them ban bikes. Many people state that… read more
Currently the extremely rare DVD for "Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie" is not only no longer being produced, but… read more
I thought I would see just how many people are against the clock crew. If you are in favor of… read more
People keep blaming video games for the cause of several things including the school shootings. I know several people who… read more
There is nothing really to tell. I just want to see Jesse McCartney appear somewhere besides the east coast. read more
Family Guy was on Fox for a few years and was little-watched. It was thus canceled. Now it is on… read more
Firearm noise suppressors are used in countries like Finland to reduce noise pollution and to protect the hearing of people… read more
Animals that remain in deplorable conditions at the hands of hoarders. After an animal is collected @ All creatures great… read more
This petition is in response to the teaching presented in the summer 2005 course of Christian Ethics at Fuller Theological… read more
A La Mesa Directiva de la Plaza de la "Herencia Mexicana," al Concilio de la Ciudad de San José, y… read more