CYBERBULLYING & CYBERHARASSMENT : Consistent threatening or non-threatening, seriously questionable, scandalous in nature statements, injurious to a person's reputation, presented… read more
As in the past we used to have a Backstreet Boys fanclub in Europe, but as these days today, we… read more
Hello, This petition was started for the fans of the movie Running on Empty (1988) and Dogfight (1991). I started… read more
რას წარმოადგენს ანტიდისკრიმინაციული კანონი რას ნიშნავს ტერმინები: "სექსუალური ორიენტაცია" და "გენდერული იდენტობა"? დავიწყოთ გენდერული იდენტობით. გენდერული იდენტობა, ანუ სქესობრივი იდენტობა… read more
Every year, more than 100 million animals including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and… read more
My love for this program has been solid since I first viewed it. The charcters, story-lines and humor are beyond… read more
Η αποστολή του ιδρύματος Αριστείδης Δασκαλόπουλος είναι η συμβολή του στη βελτίωση των διατροφικών συνηθειών ολόκληρου του πληθυσμού μέσα από… read more
I and my partner have recently spent 6 months in Amsterdam, Holland . Whilst over there we had the fortune… read more
In regards to the “Return Directive” Up until the end of the World War II, Europe was an emigrant continent.… read more
Dear animal lover, animal welfare society Ärzte für Tiere e.V. creates a forum for stray animals rights in Europe by… read more