President Kim Vuga Love Australia or Leave Party

Facebook users that hold conservative, nationalist views are unfairly targeted by Facebook. We have seen a purge in the takedown of political parties, Facebook accounts, including pages and supporters of these parties at an alarming rate, this has been clearly evident during the Australian Federal Election 2019 campaign period.

It is also fact that Facebook employees have a toxic culture when it comes to decide who gets banned and who stays online. Many employees at Facebook feel bullied and pressured to ban conservative posts and disable accounts in front of their peers for fear of workplace harassment and loss of employment.

Facebook does not offer a fair playing field and often play judge, jury and executioner to what is accepted by their community standards with no recourse for the user, with no room for mediation to remedy a Facebook decision.

The 2019 ‘Social Media Purge’ comes at a time in the lead up to the ‘Social Media Summit’ to battle online extremism chaired by NZ Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern and socialist President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron in Paris this week. This is a way for Facebook to then justify that they have taken down so called extremist material off Facebook, then having the data and statistics to back up and claim what a good job Facebook is doing, meanwhile at the sacrifice of innocent social media users.

Legal action MUST also be taken against Facebook for political interference in the Australian Federal Election 2019. Please be advised that our AEC, Australian Electoral Commission has already been advised of the current circumstances regarding Facebook political interference to social media users’.

One has to question why an Australian elected political party known as the Labor party and its leader Bill Shorten has been able to have a direct contact with Facebook to ask that any posts that mention the death tax or inheritance tax be classified as fake news? This is double standards at its best.

It’s time to stop the suppression of free speech!

We call for an urgent inquiry into Facebook Censorship & Political Interference in The Australia Federal Election 2019

To: The Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled:
The petition of the undersigned shows: That a significant representation of Australians believe that:
Facebook harbors anti-conservative bias leaving many unfairly targeted for conservative and nationalist political views. Facebook censorship has been clearly evident especially during the Australian Federal Election 2019. Facebook is taking down Conservative and Nationalist pages at an alarming rate, including political candidates accounts. Facebook goes against Australia’s standards of democracy and free speech. It is absolutely imperative that a full inquiry takes place to protect our freedom of speech and the possibility that Facebook being a foreign entity is a risk to our national security.

Our petitioners ask that the Senate
1. To investigate practices of Facebook censorship of Australian Citizens
2. We demand an investigation into Facebook interference, political bias and censorship of Australian citizens prior to including the lead up to the Australian Federal Election May 18, 2019
3. We demand an investigation into elected parliamentary members and any association with Facebook employees on a personal level and financial including all advertising
4. We demand an investigation of all lobby groups including Get Up & Union connections to Facebook
5. Investigation into profits made in Australia
6. Facebook and associated companies to be charged tax on revenue made in Australia

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The Urgent Inquiry Into Facebook Censorship & Political Interference In The Australia Federal Election 2019 petition to President Kim Vuga Love Australia or Leave Party was written by Love Australia or Leave Political Party and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.