United States House Of Representatives

Do you care about veterans and would like to help many in some small way?

Signing this petition is that WAY you can do just that!
New tests PROVE injury to Persian Gulf Illness Veterans.

A brain scan reported Sep 15 2011 to show brain injury in PGI Vets. A SKY blood test shows chromosome damage in PGI Vets. Yet the CDC which VA follows, has now limited how many symptoms PGI Vets are actually related to PG Illness.

You can go to the website link and see many articles or videos about this subject. Please do! You can show some support and encouragement for PGI Vets that visit that page also! Please do! It is visited by PGI Vets globally.

So with the new tests available, PGI Vets can have their injury rated for compensation and move for treatment research for such injury. Any money now given for research to PGI is only going to be on what symptoms are being recognized as related to PGI.

This is why PGI Vets should have the new tests done. Please sign this petition and share with others to tell the legislature to pass a law for PGI Vets to be tested with the new tests. Thank you for your support! PLEASE share this petition with others!

Many Gulf War Veterans across the globe who served in the Gulf War are sick. Not just Americans, but many in other countries also. I do support the passing of a law, or legislation, to allow PGI Vets to get the new brain scan done and SKY blood test done on PGI Veterans paid for by the Government. Please appropriate funds for these Veterans to have such tests done!

Specifically, the decision to allow such tests should NOT be on a case by case discretion of a VA doctor to be allowed, based on some VA Hospital individual Budget. Any registered PGI Veteran should be allowed to have such Brain Scan done reported Sep 15 2011 to show brain flow issues in PGI vets done.

Also the SKY blood chromosome test should be done. Without seeing the areas damaged, a proper evaluation of injury obtained as PGW service, is not possible. Having tests SHOW injury will also help in guiding research better for PGI. Please pass this law! Tests For PGI Vets.

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The Tests For Persian Gulf Illness Veterans petition to United States House Of Representatives was written by Missi Philips and is in the category Health at GoPetition.