#Law & Order
Australian Federal Police

We, the citizens of Geraldton, W.A., are afraid for our families, our homes, and our businesses. While we have contacted our state and local government on many occasions, we feel we are being ignored.

Our local politicians seem to pass the blame, yet one thing continues to grow... crime.

Crime in Geraldton has been rampant and increasing steadily. Drugs are out of control, children are being trained by adults to commit crimes, vandalism of schools is happening on weekends only to be found by staff on Monday mornings.

Car thefts, arson, breaking and entering, shoplifting, public displays of indecency, public drunkenness, bullying, and truancy by children who are "working" at night to aid parents with their next "fix" are all centre to the problems here.

We need help now to regain control of our city and eliminate drug trafficking via our port city.

We the undersigned, call on the Australian Federal Police to help kick off a mandatory enforcement campaign of the expulsion of drug-related crime in Geraldton.

In order for our city to regain control and be the thriving business centre, port, tourist attraction, education mecca and family-oriented regional capital of the Midwest, it is pertinent for you to come and provide help to assist our local police with issues aforementioned.

Thank you.

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The Stop Crime in Geraldton NOW petition to Australian Federal Police was written by Geraldton: No Sugar-Coating and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.