Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove.

It is Legally unchallengeable that the party system of Government exists and operates ONLY because the Australian people have been DELIBERATELY MISLED into believing that, other than by dictatorship, there is no other way that Parliament could function effectively and efficiently; that despite its MANY FAULTS the party system is the only effective and efficient democratic way of governing this country. THIS IS CONSTITUTIONALLY AND LEGALLY FALSE.
The only true Constitutional and legal reason for the existence, and the only true legal purpose of the Parliament, the institution of the Monarchy, and the offices o the Governor-General and State Governors IS TO GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THE PEOPLE ASK FOR, NOT WHAT OTHERS THINK PEOPLE OUGHT TO HAVE.
The Queen, Her Governor-General and State Governors are directly responsible, NOT TO THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT NOR POLITICAL PARTIES, but to the people in the respective Constitutional areas.
The Constitutions of the Commonwealth and States give the Queen and Her appropriate representatives, the sole power and authority, at any time of their choosing, to dissolve the so-called Lower House and send those Members back to the electorate. If directed by the written WILL of the people the Queen or Her Representative, MUST dissolve the Lower House.
This very important paragraph is taken from the work of Arthur.J.Cresby who spent 53 years studying and researching Constitutional Law.. His work entitled" YOUR WILL BE DONE" is available on the internet in pdf form and well worth reading. Please sign the petition and forward a letter of your WILL to the Governor-General. THIS MAY VERY WELL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO FIX THE DAMAGE BEING DONE BY THIS GOVERNMENT AND PREVIOUS GOVERNMENTS AND TO REGAIN OUR LAWFUL FREEDOMS.

His Excellency The Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove, AK, MC.
Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia and
Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Force,
Government House
Canberra, ACT. 2600


I know it is my duty to keep you informed as to MY WILL on any matter that comes before the Parliament or should come before the Parliament.

It has come to my attention that the Government is not structured nor conducted in accordance with our Constitution. I base this knowledge on a document written by Arthur.A.Chresby entitled “Your Will Be Done” compiled after 53 years of research and study into Constitutional Law and formerly Federal Member for Griffith in the House of Representatives.

This Government has been making Legislation and enforcing it on the people without due process and Royal Assent.

This Government, as well as preceding Governments, has hidden these facts from the people and actively suppressed their true legal freedoms.

I have no confidence in this Government due to matters stated - It is MY WILL that the removal of the Prime Minister from office be expedited and the Lower House dissolved so Government can be established in the correct and Lawful manner.

I do most humbly and respectfully Pray and Beseech Your Excellency to convey MY WILL to both Houses of the Parliament.

I am one of Her Australian Majesty’s respectful servants,

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The No Confidence in the Prime Minister of Australia. petition to Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove. was written by Phillip Hunter and is in the category Government at GoPetition.