- Target:
- Media
- Region:
- Pakistan
1. Dis-Honest reporting.
All the reporting since last couple of months has been negative for Pakistan. Not a single time any thing positive reported through this channel. It is to the extent that since last 2-3 days in their english tx they are persuading Western public that they should stop all the aid to Pakistan.
Our opinion: No matter what ever rifts are within ourselves we never ask foreign countries to hurt Pakistan financially and economically. Only enemies of Pakistan will do this.
2. Disseminating Anarchy/Chaos/ Confusion:
Since last couple of months. As you can notice even in last 2-3 days all they have reported about protests and only views of people talking against present govt. We agree that Emergency/Martial Law are one of the most dangerous and horrible actions taken by any govt. We all condemn this BUT it does not mean that the so called media portrays like there is major unrest in Pakistan (when it isn"t) and it is at the brink of collapse. This is giving a very alarming and negative picture over here.
In fact you can realize yourself that all these Jalsa juloos are happening in front of the courts. Only a fraction of lawyers are involved or might be majority of lawyers may be involved. There is no other opinion that what ever is happening over there is not good. But on the other hand 99% of the country is open, school, colleges, factories, offices are open. Public seems to be not involved up-until now. This news can only be obtained if you call your home where you will find out that nothing is going on in the cities. We have not seen a single report which says that majority of Pakistan is calm and quite.
At this difficult time we need to advise the civil society / political parties / govt to resolve issues within themselves and join hands with each other to first fight this cancer of religious extremism and fanaticism and hold elections ASAP.
Actually media should play a positive roll to resolve the situation instead of puting more fuel in the fire. Instead media specially GEO TV is determined to de-stablize Pakistan at any cost to please their masters we don"t know where from.
The GEO reporters and anchors are physically and verbally persuading public to come out on streets. This is not the job of media to give an opinion. Their job is to report all the aspects without any prejudices and reservations.
We the concern American Pakistani citizens of USA therefore as the first action choose to UNSUBSCRIBE the anti Pakistani Channel GEO TV with immediate effect and announce to form a watch group to monitor other pakistani channels closely. Please join us in efforts to save Pakistan from this yellow journalism and blackmailing.
We will send a copy of this e-mail to Geo TV and ARY also.
Again, it's good to be a wise ulloo than a stupid loomri. (majority of us have PTV at our homes Al-Hamdolillah).
The media should play a positive roll to resolve the situation instead of puting more fuel in the fire.
Instead media especially GEO TV is determined to de-stablize Pakistan at any cost to please their masters we don't know where from.
The GEO reporters and anchors are physically and verbally persuading public to come out on streets. This is not the job of media to give an opinion. Their job is to report all the aspects without any prejudices and reservations.
Please show your discontent and sign the petition to tell GEO to stop doing biased reporting and creating more anarchy and adding fuel to fire. If they chose not to then we have the right to cancel our subscription.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Cancel GEO subscriptions petition to Media was written by shagufta and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.