Congressmen have abused the fact that they can focus more on the topic of personal campaigning, in turn neglecting their… read more
19 დეკემბერს ნიკა გვარამია დაკავებულ იქნა პროკურატურის მიერ "ცრუ საწარმოსათვის თანხის გადარიცხვის" ბრალდებით. ბრალდების მხარე ამ ეტაპზე ატარებს საგამოძიებო საქმიანობას.… read more
Le Mali traverse en ce moment, une période très difficile de son histoire. La cause : l’occupation des territoires du… read more
An early years experience can transform people's lives. It's too important to lose! read more
بروز حوادث ناگوار متوالی برای دانش آموزان و معلمان از جمله حادثه آتش سوزی مدرسه شین… read more
As Americans we love our country and what makes us the land of the free. If most Americans left their… read more
Ήμουν κι εγώ εκεί… Κείμενο αλληλεγγύης στους κατηγορούμενους αγωνιστές ενάντια στα διόδια read more
During a Sunday night football game on NBC, sports commentator Bob Costas innapropriately used the platform of the NFL on… read more
The Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs on 27 November 2012 informed Parliament that the Cabinet had decided that Kenyans… read more
We need an urgent repeal of the Welfare Reform Act 2012 that is causing the death (suicide) of many hundreds… read more