Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and New South Wales have all abolished the requirement for Registration labels/stickers to be displayed… read more
The children of Coomera Waters have themselves created a wonderful bicycle track near dragon fly ponds. Without consulting the public,… read more
Ashli Gay and her mother made several phenomenal, uplifting, and empowering videos encouraging people to stand up for what they… read more
In view of the latest gun violence in America I support CNN commentator Piers Morgan in his attempt to bring… read more
Home owners who have home mortgage loans and pay interest on it are able to deduct their interest payments from… read more
Highway 1 in San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties is renowned for its iconic stature as one of the most… read more
We as a people have a right to privacy in our own cars. The reason so many vehicles are being… read more
In light of a petition to have Piers Morgan deported from America over his views on gun control laws has… read more
To, Shri Manmohan Singh, The Prime Minister Of India, PMO, South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi. India-110011. Subject: PETITION FOR… read more
საინიციატივო ჯგუფი ”უკეთესი აკადემიისთვის” აქვეყნებს მემორანდუმს და იმედს იტოვებს, რომ მას გაიზიარებს სამხატვრო აკადემიის პრობლემების გადაჭრით დაინტერესებული ყველა მხარე. გთხოვთ… read more