Crime in Singleton has risen quite considerably and police presence has been poor. Car theft, break ins, assaults seem to… read more
I want to stop Melbourne Cup because it is cruel to the horses that are forced into the gates and… read more
Ο ΔΗΜΟΣ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΕΙ ΤΗΝ 10η ΑΓΟΡΑ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ ΧΩΡΙΣ ΜΕΣΑΖΟΝΤΕΣ Από τον Ιανουάριο του 2013, “το Μυρμήγκι”, το δίκτυο αλληλεγγύης… read more
三堆一爐將於立法會財委會續審,然而部分泛民議員上週會議似未見投入。我們要求泛民把握時機,開展不合作運動,反對本末倒置的三堆一爐方案。 read more
You have broken your contract. We the people ask you to tender your resignation. read more
Due to the ever increasing number of photographs of poachers on Facebook and the many reports of the lack of… read more
Lane filtering is riding a motorcycle at low speeds between stationary or slow moving vehicles travelling in the same direction… read more
After the Melbourne Cup 2014, Admire Rakti, the pre-race favourite, passed away. The Japanese-trained horse was in the lead then… read more
Dear Overbrook, Overbrook Farms, Wynnefield, Overbrook Park, Greenhill Farms, and Philadelphia neighbors; As you may have heard recent legislation has… read more
Current plans and alternative alignments for the NCR east of Route 690 run through the Wright Farm subdivision. A low-density… read more