Die Insolvenz Im Dezember 2002 musste erstmals Insolvenz beantragt werden für das Internationale Haus Sonnenberg (IHS). Auf die dazu gehörige… read more
For a 4th season of Roswell. Please bring back Roswell for a 4th season. read more
Na 14 jaar heeft IJsland de walvisjacht weer hervat, omdat ze zogenaamd "wetenschappelijk onderzoek" willen doen. Ze willen voor het… read more
Dear Sir, As an animal protector we are sorry to hear of the situation of elephants in Thailand. The animal… read more
Traffic on Hillendale Drive in Big Bear City has been an on going issue. This street is currently not marked… read more
To: playsite.com Unfortunately, playsite.com has new management and will not be able to offer Scrabble, Monopoly, and BattleShip -- those… read more
This petition is for the 2003, California, gubernatorial candidates. It is a pledge to avoid raising taxes. read more
Due to critical financial problems within the city budget, Mayor Tom Murphy has been forced to cut funding for the… read more
Stop bitching about who has the magic. You Should all sign this petition because arent we all tired of people… read more
Poetry.com, Illiad Press, the International Library of Poetry. . . most people have heard these names, and in a negative… read more