Italy is the only country in Europe unable to fight against phenomenon like Mafia and Corruption from 1945 to our… read more
Melbourne based Sonic Attack deserve to be recognised for their outstanding service to Australian music, in particular the Space Rock… read more
今年2007年5月22日と23日、Peradeniya 大学獣医動物科学学部 獣医寄生虫学科長 であるR.P.V.J. Rajapakshe 教授は, 貧弱な犬の世話と保護をしている KACPAW シェルター(動物保護施設)へ行き、可愛がる人たちの所へ連れて行くと言って3匹の犬を引き取りました。1匹目は22日に、後の2匹は 23日に引き取られました。 Perry、Wussie, Polly という名前の3匹の犬は KACPAWシェルターで既に虚勢され、狂犬病・パルボウイルス感染症・ジステンパー の注射も済んでいました。 ところが 今年5月28日 KACPAW のメンバーは恐ろしい事実を発見しました。Rajapakshe教授は引渡しの際に言ったことと全く反して 犬達を可愛がる人達の所へ連れて行くどころか、直接Gatambe… read more
This petition regards the excessive profiteering engaged in by live music venues. Huge prices are charged for drinks, tickets and… read more
David Murray's continual lack of investment over recent years. Steven Naismith wants to sign for Rangers and 1.5 Million is… read more
A petition of the American people, declaring our intent to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of… read more
We here in Australia would really love for Tiesto to tour again down under. It has been awhile since his… read more
Alcohol use in pregnancy is the leading cause of birth defects and mental/ developmental disabilities in the Western world. It… read more
O Hospital Ulysses Pernambucano, também conhecido como Hospital da Tamarineira, possui expressiva área verde e está encravado numa região do… read more
Claire Harrison, a faithful supporter of Coventry Rugby Club, was given a lifelong ban from setting foot at the Butts… read more