Bromley South is the 49th busiest railway station in the country with an annual footfall of over 6 million passengers.… read more
Unão-se escuteiros de Portugal, unidos podemos enfrentar as maldosas meninas que não gostam de nós porque temos borbulhas. read more
This week Iranians turned out in record numbers not seen since the beginning of the Iranian revolution to change their… read more
Background: Please read Amnesty International Background information: Aim of the Petition: Asking political leaders of the free world, such… read more
Since 1994 to present (2009), current community television operators have been delivering television services that can be compared to mainstream… read more
日前,旺角一單車禍,揭發醫管局「先收錢、後救命」的可怕制度,令本港市民感到十分惶恐,擔心將來「冇錢冇得醫」的情況會否在香港發生。 歸根究底,整件事件實是源於醫管局於零五年推行的藥物名冊制度,名冊將大批新藥以及價錢較貴但較有效的藥物列為「非常規藥物」,要求病人自費購買。來自弱勢社群的病人,很多都買不起副作用少而比較有效的藥物。翻查過去數年的資料,亦不斷有市民向醫管局投訴有新藥卻不能用等情況,例如癌症病人、地中海貧血症的病人、黏多醣症的病人、以及精神病的病人等,我們經常都能在報章看到他們為求有效的藥物而向醫管局申訴的消息。 我們質疑,到底醫管局是以什麼原則判斷什麼藥物會被納入藥物名冊。醫管局表示,藥物名冊的設立,並非為了節省開支,但我們看一看,現在醫管局對通用藥物的解釋為:經證實對病人臨床情況適用和有效,並可廣泛使用;而對自費藥物的解釋為:藥物經臨床驗證有效,但價格昂貴或僅具輕微邊際效益的藥物。在兩者都為有效的時候,通用和自費藥物的差別,就只剩價格而已。
During the month of April 2009 Fat Daddy’s Frankfurters was issued and granted a permit to vend in the Sutter… read more
Pour tout ceux qui ont dans leurs souvenirs des baptêmes, des mariages, des enterrements, des premières communions, ou simplement de… read more
Please sign this petition if you think that clerical child abusers and all who covered up for them should be… read more
The SaverCard scheme in Hertfordshire is affecting the safety of our children. The scheme ‘entitles’ the children, aged 11-16, in… read more