In the waning days of your predecessors' administration, the City Council of Jersey City hastily proposed a budget that included… read more
Request the Australian Embassy in VN to call for the release of Ms. Tran Khai Thanh Thuy, a renowned novelist… read more
You probably know that after 40 years Sesame Street is still a huge hit in America. Also it is the… read more
No momento em que Tarso Genro despede-se do cargo de Ministro de Estado da Justiça, por ele ocupado desde o… read more
La Confédération africaine de football (CAF) a décidé le 30 Janvier 2010 de suspendre pour deux Coupes d'Afrique des nations… read more
Essex University Trampolining Club has been suspended! This is due to new health and safety regulations brought in by British… read more
As someone who has watched both my mother and father die slowly, painfully and with total lack of dignity (despite… read more
The SMART Visitor Permit is active in several zones in the Hammersmith and Fulham Borough. The Permit allows visitors of… read more
The City of Kitchener is targeting the Rockway Seniors Centre for closure based on the probable needs of future baby… read more
Statistics show that people experiencing mental health problems are faced with stigma because of their illness e.g. Research by the… read more