BorderFest a US festival in Hidalgo, Texas, is allowing the perfomance of a show twice a day that perpetuates acts… read more
We, the undersigned call on the Iran Government Judiciary Branch to grant immediate release of Abolfazl Abedini, who is being… read more
The Parishes of Stondon and Henlow have been advised that their village has been placed on a list of proposed… read more
Hello our name's are Elizabeth Breeding and Melissa Moss, we have decided to come up for something for everyone to… read more
Monsieur le Recteur, Nous attirons votre attention sur une situation que nous estimons inacceptable. Depuis le 4 janvier dernier, nos… read more
Fall 2016 Update - Sadly the BC government has opened the 2016 trophy hunt for bears. The second edition has… read more
In September, 2000, all 192 member states of the United Nations signed onto the Millennium Development Goals, making a commitment… read more
Supporters and riders of the 552, 553, 554, 557,929, 951, & 952 Fairfax Connector buses who oppose the elimination of… read more
自從英華書院遷至新校舍及改行直資後,學校無論在環境、收生、政策、一條龍接軌等多方面都面對著新的挑戰。作為全港首屈一指的名校,英華一百九十年來,一直秉持著的辦學、傳道、育人理念以及樸實的傳統,將有如火炬般生生不滅,百年如一。 然而,不禁使我們校友、家長、在校師生所擔憂的,是近年來我們一同目睹的政策失誤、校風歪行,以及多個明顯可見的衍生缺失,當中包括對部分轉校生的不合理特殊優待及分開小班上課(因此校內造成學生分化)、低透明度及模糊不具體的招收轉校生機制及準則(乃至收取之學生操行極之參次)、過份收取體育上有成就的轉校生(以致阻礙一條龍的發展,及剝削原本球隊的同學的參與機會)。 我們在此一同向校方要求,徹底重新審視現存的政策流弊,訂立具有透明度、有限度和約束力的招生機制,並將無理、無必要、顛倒教育理念的特殊處理全數取消。 校園內民主牆的大字報: 相關網上討論: read more
Help keep jobs for out employees and create jobs for future employees. Help keep GMC vehicles in the area, with… read more