Conakry. 10 janvier 2007. Une grève générale illimitée a été déclanchée dans tout l’étendu du territoire national Guinéen. Cette mesure… read more
Since 1997 Labour have overseen the closure of 4,723 post offices. North West Leicestershire has lost many village Post Offices… read more
"We need a remedy!!" *Note: This is NOT a revolt, coup, nor attempt to overthrow/undermine the government.*... What it IS,… read more
To: U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate The Senate squandered the opportunity to create "Illegal Immigration legislation" because of partisan politics. To… read more
Na pasado Segunda-feira, a Câmara de S. Pedro do Sul aprovou a venda a privados dos dois balneários do complexo… read more
If you have chosen to withhold your vote in the 2007 MSA Presidential election please visit the website below to… read more
Saddam has been sentenced to death. We believe that Iraq should imprison him instead as a sign that they are… read more
Essa petição ao TSE visa a anulação do segundo turno das eleições presidenciais devido aos constatados vícios do processo e… read more
Past Elections and Present Tests! A petition to the United States Government that the Diebold Electronic Voting Machines, Software, System… read more
Suite au vote du 08 octobre 2006, les électeurs Florennois ont clamé leur volonté de changement. La reconduite d'une majorité… read more