My husband, Lynn E. Carter and I have waited well over 2 years for a formal public apology and investigation… read more
Since prayer has been taken out of schools we have seen an increase in stabbing, shooting, teachers having sexual relations… read more
Youth in our nation need times of prayer and Biblical teaching in order to properly make decisions, and need to… read more
In May of 2013, Setting Captives Free was targeted by a group called All Out who accused Setting Captives Free… read more
The ongoing slaughter and persecution of the Coptic Christians in Egypt is a crime against humanity. read more
Let's do something... an 8 yr old in North Carolina answered "Jesus Christ" on her paper from the question WHO… read more
I believe it is time to take a stand to protect our children. I am doing this petition to get… read more
When I am about to think what to write for this background, on the news they are talking about International… read more
Speaking up for Jesus is a group of believers from various backgrounds & beliefs, but who share in believing in… read more
Jesus is better than anything. He died on the cross for our sin and loves us no matter what! read more