I feel passions has gone down since debueing this charactor and she causes nothing but trouble for everyone around her.… read more
On several bionicle fan sites, there has been some discontent with the sets and story of bionicle. We are here… read more
Indian Prime Minister and a sycophant of Latina Sonia Gandhi [A Nazi member from old Nazi Party still operating from… read more
A-league clubs have chosen the wrong path in wanting to have Rugby and NRL styled names which involve some sort… read more
We, the faithful viewers of the television show Friends, humbly request to NBC and its station's global relatives to bring… read more
EA, I for one loved Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , but there was one thing missing!… read more
We've all heard the story of the woman who was put into jail for being or murdering her husband in… read more
With all due respect, the prices RedOctane charge for these Guitar Hero II song packs are ridiculous. They charge 500… read more
There have been ongoing debates concerning the aesthetic style of Starcraft 2. Many have realised that there was something "wrong"… read more
We recycle used cell phones and ink cartridges, or electronic waste, in order to raise funds for micro-finance loans to… read more