#Neighborhood Living
Mapleton Township Council

For residents of the Drayton Ridge subdivision in Drayton, the closest playground for children to play at safely, is a minimum 1km walk away, with some having to travel double this distance. The walk includes a long portion along a busy street and the requirement to cross one or two busy intersections. The subdivision planning for this area has allowed for numerous residential dwellings, however, no parks or playgrounds have been provided for the numerous families who have and are expected to move into this neighborhood. The residents of this neighborhood have paid high development charges in the purchase of their homes, with the expectation that the township would provide reasonable amenities for their use, including parks which are easily accessible. All other areas within Drayton have a park and/or playground within a safe walking distance and parents should not have to worried about sending their children to a neighborhood park because of the distance they must travel.

As residents of Mapleton Township, we the undersigned, call on Mapleton Township Council and Planning Department to provide an accessible park and playground in the Drayton Ridge subdivision.

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The Park for Drayton Ridge Neighborhood petition to Mapleton Township Council was written by Patrick Lauzon and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.