Neopets Inc.

This is a petition to have neopets appoint people on the site (yes, neopets members) to become neochat moderators to prevent people like gorwall, the countless dating services, and nasty posts from happening so often. These moderators will be able to lock usernames out of neochat for a period of 24hrs for innapropriate chatting.

This is a petition to have neopets appoint people on the site (yes, neopets members) to become neochat moderators to prevent people like gorwall, the countless dating services, and nasty posts from happening so often. These moderators will be able to lock usernames out of neochat for a period of 24hrs for innapropriate chatting.

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The Neopets Neochat Moderators petition to Neopets Inc. was written by jasmine and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.