#Human Rights
The European Union

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[English]: Call on the European Union to ensure that the laws and practices of the United Nations internal justice system are fair and consistent with international human rights standards.

[Français]: Appel à l'Union Européenne pour assurer que les lois et les pratiques du système interne de la justice des Nations Unies soient équitables et conformes aux normes internationales des droits de l'homme.

[Български]: Покана за Европейския съюз да гарантира, че законите и практиките на Организацията на обединените нации вътрешната правна система, са честни и съобразени с международните норми за правата на човека.

[Čeština]: Přijet k Evropske unii, aby zajistila, že zákony a praxí ve Spojených národů pro interní systém soudnictví jsou spravedlivé a jsou v souladu s mezinárodními standardy lidských práv.

[Dansk]: Opfordrer Den Europæiske Union til at sikre, at lovgivning og praksis i De Forenede Nationers interne retssystem er retfærdige og i overensstemmelse med internationale menneskerettighedsstandarder.

[Deutsch]: Fordern Sie die Europäische Union auf, sicherzustellen, dass die Gesetze und Praktiken des internen Rechtssystems der Vereinten Nationen fair und im Einklang mit den internationalen Menschenrechtsstandards sind.

[Eesti]: Abipalve Euroopa Liidule, et teha kindlaks, kas ÜRO siseõiguse praktika ja süsteem on õiglased ning kooskõlas rahvusvahelise inimõiguse standardiga.

[Ελληνικά]: Πρόσκληση για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να διασφαλίσει ότι η νομοθεσία και τις πρακτικές των Ηνωμένων Εθνών και η εσωτερική δικαιοσύνη είναι δίκαιη και σύμφωνη με τα διεθνή πρότυπα ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων.

[Español]: Hacemos un llamado a la Unión Europea para garantizar que las leyes y las prácticasn en el sistema de justicia de las Naciones Unidas sean justas y coherentes con las normas internacionales de derechos humanos.

[Gaeilge]: Iarraidh ar an Aontas Eorpach deimhin a dhéanamh de go bhfuil dlíthe agus cleachtais chóras dlí inmheánach na Náisiún Aontaithe cothrom agus ag teacht le caighdeáin idirnáisiúnta chearta daonna.

[Italiano]: Appello all’Unione Europea per far sì che le leggi e la pratica del sistema di giustizia interno delle Nazioni Unite siano eque e conformi con le norme internazionali dei diritti umani.

[Latviesu valoda]: Aicina Eiropas Savienību nodrošināt, ka Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas iekšējo tiesu sistēmas likumi un prakse ir godīgi un saskaņā ar starptautiskajiem cilvēktiesību standartiem.

[Lietuviu kalba]: Skambink į Europos Sąjungos ,kad galėtum užtikrinti, jog įstatymų vykdymas, Jungtinių Tautų vidaus teisingumo sistemoje, yra teisingas ir atitinka tarptautinius žmogaus tesių standartus.

[Magyar]: Felkeresni az Európai Uniót megbizonyosodni hogy a törvényei és a gyakorlatai az Egyesült Nemzetek belső igazságügyi rendszerének korrektek és megegyeznek a nemzetközi emberi jogok szabvánnyal.

[Malti]: Sejha lil Unjoni Ewropeja biex tizgura li il ligijiet u l prattici interni gudizjarji tan Nazzjonijiet Unitichuma gusti u konsistenti ma l istandards internazzjonali tad drittijiet umani.

[Nederlands]: De Europese Unie oproepen ervoor te zorgen dat de wetten en gebruiken van het interne rechtssysteem van de Verenigde Naties eerlijk en consistent zijn en overeenkomen met de internationale mensenrechtenverdragen.

[Polski]: Wezwamy Unię Europejską do zagwarantowania, że prawa i praktyki wewnętrznego systemu wymiaru sprawiedliwości Narodów Zjednoczonych są sprawiedliwe i zgodne z międzynarodowymi standardami praw człowieka.

[Português]: Chamar a atenção da União Europeia para assegurar que as leis e as práticas das Nações Unidas para o sistema de justiça interno são justas e coerentes com as normas internacionais de direitos humanos.

[Română]: Apel la Uniunea Europeană pentru a se asigura că legislaţia şi practicile interne ale sistemului de justiţie ale Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite sunt corecte şi în concordanţă cu standardele internaţionale în domeniul drepturilor omului.

[Slovenčina]: Požadujte od Europskej únie, aby zabezpečila zákony a praktiky vnútorného súdnictva Spojených národov tak,aby boli spravodlivé a v súlade s medzinárodnými štandardmi ľudských práv.

[Slovenščina]: Pokliči na Evropsko unijo, naj zagotovi, da so zakoni in prakse Združenih narodov notranjega pravnega sistema pošteni in v skladu z mednarodnimi standardi človekovih pravic.

[Suomi]: Kehottaa Euroopan Unionia varmistamaan, että Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien sisäisen oikeusjärjestelmän lait ja käytännöt ovat oikeudenmukaisia sekä yhdenmukaisia kansainvälisten ihmisoikeusnormien kanssa.

[Svenska]: Uppmanar Europeiska Unionen att se till att lagar och praxis för Förenta Nationernas inre rättsliga organ är rättvist och i linje med internationella normer för mänskliga rättigheter.

[Русский] : Обратитесь к Европейскому союзу с просьбой гарантировать, что законодательство и практика Организации Объединенных Наций во внутренней системе правосудия справедливы и совместимы с международными стандартами прав человека.

[中文]: 呼吁欧联盟,以确保在法律上和联合国内部审判系统的实施上公平,符合国际人权标准。

دعوة الاتحاد الأوروبي من أجل ضمان أن تكون قوانين وممارسات نظام العدالة الداخلي للأمم المتحدة عادلة ومطابقة للمعايير الدولية لحقوق الإنسان









Your Excellency,

We, the undersigned, are dismayed and outraged by the existing double standard where the standards of justice that are recognized internationally and that the United Nations pursues in its programmatic activities are not met within the Secretariat or the Funds and Programmes themselves. The background for our grave concern is the long-standing criticism of the half-century-old UN internal justice system.

In 2005, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to form a panel of external and independent experts to consider redesigning the Organization’s system of administration of justice. The panel has indeed confirmed the perception of an abnormally dysfunctional system, as is clearly stated in their report:

”The Redesign Panel found that the administration of justice in the United Nations is neither professional nor independent. The system of administration of justice as it currently stands is extremely slow, under-resourced, inefficient and, thus, ultimately ineffective. It fails to meet many basic standards of due process established in international human rights instruments…That the administration of justice in the United Nations lags so far behind international human rights standards is a matter of urgent concern requiring immediate, adequate and effective remedial action".

Viewed from the outside, the whole UN internal justice system is difficult to grasp since it is so completely contrary to our own experiences and expectations of stability and security, as well as being repugnant to our aspirations for human rights. In such a void, another system emerges, an unaccountable self-serving system of rough justice. Anarchy, secrecy, bad faith, retaliation, impunity, disrespect for what John F. Kennedy once defined “the old code of equity law under which we live" and "commands for every wrong a remedy”, are at the core of this ersatz system.

This very antithesis of justice working under the protective cover of the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, is not a partisan issue, but just a tragic nonsense which goes on and on and on. It causes enormous damage to the entire UN organization, to all its Member States, and undermines the EU's substantial contribution to the development of the cause of the UN, international law and human rights. If fully known to world public opinion, it would embarrass every ordinary citizen who genuinely believes in the founding principles of universality and fairness that inspired the establishment of the Organization committed to promote the right to be free and equal.

The defence of human rights is a duty and a right which cannot be jeopardized by the principle of non-interference in other countries’ or international organizations’ internal affairs. The European Union is the largest contributor to the UN budget. Thus, it seems to us, Europe has to live up to its special and compelling membership responsibilities, beginning by not turning away from the unacceptable faults of a system of administration of justice which has for too long denied a fundamental human right such as fair justice that otherwise could propel the UN to achieve its purposes.

In the year which marks the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Europe has vigorously reaffirmed its commitment to defending and promoting inalienable and indivisible human rights throughout the world. We welcome the EU's respect for human rights as a cornerstone of its foreign policy, and we wish to emphasize the tremendous importance of the reform of the administration of justice in the UN system of organizations, especially for the over 100,000 staff and non-staff personnel of the Secretariat, Funds and Programmes who are alone and powerless to act in the face of such dire injustice unless the whole world joins hands.

For these reasons, we, the undersigned, appeal to the Governments of the EU Member States to use their position in the undergoing General Assembly negotiations on the reform of the United Nations justice system to devise a strategy that would ensure that the United Nations will finally have in place the full set of governance and administrative structures necessary to fulfill its obligation to effectively deliver justice in accordance with the principles of justice and fair play which are stated in the UN Charter, as well as to fully comply with applicable international human rights standards as an expression of universally agreed-upon principles of justice.

With the highest respects,

The Signatories:

UNJustice, Non-profit Independent International Committee for the Safeguarding of Individual Rights in the United Nations Internal Justice System (initiator)

The Human Rights in the United Nations Administration of Justice petition to The European Union was written by UNJustice and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.