United States of America

Everwhere you go, school, work, Ski Resorts, everywhere, you will find a quite large number of handicap parking spots, which is fine, but when someone gets to park closer to someplace because they are over weight, its gotten to be enough, I understand that some people are born with a disorder that makes them overweight and no amount of exercise or anything can help that, but handicap stickers are being distributed to people who are just lazy, and I would think if someone is overweight you would want them to park further away so MAYBE they will get exercise from walking to the destination.

Everwhere you go, school, work, Ski Resorts, everywhere, you will find a quite large number of handicap parking spots, which is fine, but when someone gets to park closer to someplace because they are over weight, its gotten to be enough, I understand that some people are born with a disorder that makes them overweight and no amount of exercise or anything can help that, but handicap stickers are being distributed to people who are just lazy, and I would think if someone is overweight you would want them to park further away so MAYBE they will get exercise from walking to the destination.

Join Me... And Keep The Lazy From Parking So Close and using handicap parking spots.

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