For tilda <3

so tilda wants to go to a jonas brothers concert, but they aren’t going to sweden so yeah, thats a problem. Now i have to convince her to come to the Amsterdam concert, so she can meet me again but also see the jonas brothers live. It’s her dream to go, but somehow i’m not convincing her enough. So if you sign this petition maybe, just maybe, she’ll realize that she just has to go. Because now she’s only disappointing me, but if many people sign this, she’s gonna be disappointing a lot more people which she of course doesn’t want.

So it would be great if you could sign this, even if you don’t really care about anything i just said! I just really wanted go make a petition ‘cause i told her i would lmao bye

Sign if you want Tilda to come to Amsterdam, to go to the jonas brothers concert together with me. Thankyou.

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The GET TILDA TO AMSTERDAM FOR THE JONAS BROTHERS petition to For tilda <3 was written by Lana Breman and is in the category Music at GoPetition.