Jackson Carlaw MSP has begun his campaign for the leadership of the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party. A proposal has… read more
This petition is based on a number of my letters that were sent to MP Right Honourable David Cameron PM,… read more
The people claimed to be leading climate scientists won’t debate in public and won’t provide their data. What is it… read more
Jordan Blackshaw, 20, and Perry Sutcliffe-Keenan, 22, were each jailed for four years at Chester Crown Court on Tuesday 16th… read more
It is a fact, successive governments have made major decisions which affect the people of Great Britain & Northern Ireland,… read more
The Police Force are loosing there touch, Respect, and are untrained in some aspects of the job they are doing,… read more
Hillary Clinton has a track record that far outshines that of the current president. We admire her because, unlike Obama,… read more
1. 三位菲律賓籍家傭剛正式入稟法院,爭取永久居留權。連日來,我等收到不少投訴,也留意到坊間及網上關注。 2. 我們很多家裡均僱用外傭,非常感激外籍家傭對各家庭以至整體香港社會的貢獻。這次行動亦絕非針對任何種族或階層。 3. 然而,為著香港整體利益,我們不得不強烈反對外籍家傭居港7年自動獲得永久居留權。 4. 原則上,外籍家傭不應有自動居留權: (a) 基本法24條2款(四),非中國籍人士須: (i) 持有效旅行證件進入香港; (ii) 在香港通常居住連續7年以上;及 (iii) 以香港為永久居住地, 方屬香港永久性居民 (b) 外籍家傭來港前清楚知道及同意,他們是以外傭身份申請並獲批來港,及在期滿後須回國,不存在移民意圖或地位。 (c)… read more
On the 22nd of August 2011, Several convoy's will converge on the Australian capital of Canberra to deliver a message… read more
Four months after Obama offered Syria's brutal and fascist leader an ultimatum to lead reform or leave, Bashar Assad's crackdown… read more