გადავაქციოთ თბილისი მწვანე ქალაქად არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციების და ქ.თბილისის მოსახლეობის მიმართვა თბილისის მერიას და საკრებულოს ! მოვითხოვთ, სასწრაფოდ შეწყდეს დედაქალაქში ხეების… read more
To make foxtel place their ads at the end of their shows instead of during their programs and shows. We… read more
It started out in the 1980's blaming the Rottweiler, then it went to the Doberman, then the German Shepherd, and… read more
Derby’s sporting facilities are old and dated and the cost of restoring and maintaining them is hugely expensive. A more… read more
Iniciativa cidadã para garantir a Liberdade, Segurança e Progresso do povo Guineense Initiative citoyenne visant garantir la Liberté, Sécurité et… read more
Sacrilège !! Dans une entrevue, Shane West a exprimé son souhait de pouvoir ramener Michael/Roy Dupuis à la "Division"... non… read more
Store has been evicted and will not spend the money to relocate. read more
There is overwhelming evidence that the institutions of the state of Azerbaijan are being used to perpetrate injustice and suppress… read more
The school board in Montgomery County passed a budget Tuesday night. While administrative furloughs were taken off the table, 25… read more
Bill C-38, while allegedly a "budget" bill, is in fact an omnibus bill that includes a significant number of other,… read more