has to be stopped it keeps telling people that stuffing kittens in a jar won`t hurt the kitten causing… read more
A while back, the LEGO company made Monorail sets, but they were discontinued. Many LEGO fans have never seen one… read more
Tales in a signature is being stolen!! Go there. There you will see the story as it's happening. I… read more
A lot of people like this show we should find out do lizzie and gordo go out what a kate.… read more
Jody, get off your can and take Pattie to frickin' see Dodgeball! And make sure to buy some popcorn and… read more
Recently, Nickeldeon has been making many stupid descisions. It really ticks me off how Nick decided to cancel their best… read more
This petition was written to support the exceptional drama "Touching Evil". This show debuted in the U.S. on the USA… read more
There has been a recent "epidemic", according to the City of Cleveland Heights Police Department, of automobile break-ins and attempted… read more
Petion about my readmission in the university this coming second semester, 2004-2005. I got dismissed in the curiculum of the… read more
It all started when I heard the RIAA sued people who had to take from their life savings. Why sue… read more