In België kan je Nieuw-Grieks en Fins enkel in avondonderwijs studeren of als keuzevak aan bepaalde universiteiten. Schiet Vlaanderen dat… read more
I have been in this sitch. its not easy, but just recently, i got help. Tell a trusted adult, or… read more
I'm keeping this short and simple. We all know what's taking place right now as you read this, Canadian soldiers… read more
Age discrimination has at last been recognised and considered an illegal practice in Britain today and it is time a… read more
The Conservative Federal Government has cut $5,000,000 from the Status of Women Department. read more
The US Postal Service believes it will save money and make America's mail service more efficient if they implement a… read more
The current class of 2011 (8th graders at Kimpton Middle School) are being given a high school math credit if… read more
It's time to bring back the Brave Ladies and Gentlemen that appear to be fighting somebody elses war, you will… read more
This petition is to tell Washington voters to vote No on referendum 1. I am asking you to sign this… read more
Malcolm Watson, an ex-teacher from the Buffalo area was convicted of a sex crime involving a 15-year-old student in a… read more