Desítky občanů města hystericky bojují za zachování lávky pro pěší u Tesca. Tito jedinci zřejmě tajně placení z neznámých zdrojů… read more
For many years now, Capilano College has worked effortlessly to differentiate itself as a college that provides innovative programs and… read more
The Benevolent Society (TBS) has land on Ocean Street, BONDI. This land: - was donated to them in 1917, instead… read more
This petition serves to provide fans of Danny Boyle's 2007 sci-fi film Sunshine with a means of expressing their feelings… read more
AONTAS Pre-Election Campaign 2007 Over 300,000 people participate in adult learning in Ireland each year. These learners have a right… read more
pagamento de nossos direitos trabalhistas ( salários, rescições contratuais, fgts ), não pagos pelos Dirigentes da TRANSBRASIL S/A LINHAS AÉREAS,… read more
On January 24, 2007 in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Ethiopian Airlines denied boarding to four Ethiopian passengers. Mr. Henock M. Beyene,… read more
Prime Minister Stephen Harper must immediately withdraw allegations he made about Liberal MP Navdeep Bains and offer an apology to… read more
PS3 currently rapes the 360. It is expected that the PS3 will further increase it’s market share in this console… read more
We have been trying to get a company, Angelus Block, the GARDENA PLANT, 252 E. Redondo Beach. Blvd. Gardena, CA… read more