I the author am only an O2 customer, I do not work for them. I am a huge fan of… read more
There have been cases brought to light by the Daily Telegraph investigation, of Members of Parliament who have been claiming… read more
Over the past few years the AFL has begun implementing a ridiculous amount of new rules and interpretations. These new… read more
- Takes longer than a normal life-span to decompose. - It is highly used at this moment, but should be… read more
This petition is as dedicated as I am to legalizing what could be a $35.8 billion dollar cash crop in… read more
This will save lives by reducing heart attacks and stroke (by reducing stress) and increase tax revenue (without tax hikes). read more
The year 2008 marks forty-eight years since the birth of the Republic of Cyprus. For thirty-four of those years, the… read more
Cambiamo il decreto sull'Università prima che il Ministro Gelmini lo firmi! Petizione nazionale per la valutazione oggettiva e numerica ai… read more
I am a lifelong fan of Miss Saigon. I have seen the show over 50 times in Drury Lane, Broadway,… read more
Krahas projekteve te shumta monoetnike qe kane per qëllim falsifikimin e historise, absorbimin dhe ndryshimin radikal të trashigimisë kulturore historike… read more