Καλούμε τους Έλληνες πολίτες αφού ενημερωθούν, με την παρακάτω πλήρως αναρτημένη επερώτηση που έχει ηδη κατατεθεί στον Πρόεδρο της Ελληνικής… read more
In establishing this Republic, our forefathers taught that man made institutions have no authority to grant or deny that… read more
I am not a racist person i think all races are and should be equal.Yet i find myself wondering what… read more
जय हिन्द साथियो। . जिन शहीदों की शहादत की वजह से आज हम सब इस देश की आजाद हवा में… read more
http://time.com/3907444/flag-supreme-court-history/ This petition calls for an exemption of the American flag under the First Amendment free speech as it does… read more
My petition is simple: use only Australian Steel for ALL projects in Australia wether it be submarines or buildings. So… read more
I served in my country's armed forces for 22 years and fell I have a right to fly my nation's… read more
Recently several NFL players have taken the position to disrespect America by not standing for the National Anthem. This is… read more
There seems to be a trend forming in the NFL. Several players have chosen not to stand for the National… read more
It is time to take a stand against these individuals who do have the right to stand up for what… read more