#Human Rights
Judge assigned to the case
South Korea

Heartfelt appeal for Yoon - from his family and friends from their pleading hearts.

Yoon K. or Karen was born in 1992 in the Philippines to a native mother and a Korean father (she grew up as an independent child, and both of her parents were not there while she walk the battle of life). She was educated in the values of tradition, which led her to be a person with principles, linked to the family, and engaged in school. She faced with great tenacity the sacrifices of a university career, which she completed until graduating with "Bachelor of Science in International Travel and Tourism Management", achieved in 2014.

To seek personal and professional fulfillment, and continue to support her brothers and cousins in their studies, she moved to Dubai in 2015 where she worked for 8 years, in a well-known airline, as a "flight attendant". In the UAE she met Filippo, an Italian boy with intelligence, morals, and integrity. Who was employed in the same company and later on became her husband, they celebrated their love marriage, in February 2023. In March she left for South Korea, driven by the desire to fill the cultural void of her Korean roots and look for a more livable place to welcome a new life for there "little family".

In the new city, waiting to reunite with her husband and her beloved dog, Yoshi, (adopted among other unfortunate animals of Dubai), she began to work and accepted a more "safe" and capable of guaranteeing her and her family stability and social resident rights.

Thanks to linguistic ignorance and the cultural gap, misled by a famous social platform for the development of professional contacts, she was literally lured by unscrupulous people, pushed with deception to sign a contract, then turned out to be fake, and unknowingly involved in the illicit business of a company that perpetuates telephone fraud: the "phone scam". To Yoon’s every doubt, a response and reassurance from the members of the Company, with whom she had contact. She only worked for 12 days.

There is a great deal of evidence that she is not involved in this task, but Korean justice now holds her solely responsible for the crime because she is the only one who has been intercepted. Based on the judicial precedents and the opinions of various lawyers and professionals consulted, we know that the only option to prevent Yoon from spending a minimum of 5 years in Korean prisons is to accept an admission of responsibility and compensate the victims of this scam, to get the charges dropped. The spread of this kind of scam is high in Korea, involving inexperienced young people, naive and unaware.

In a month's time, the judge will give the verdict, which will also depend on the compensation offered.

We decided to move with all our strength to give hope to Yoon, who has been in prison (for a month now) in despair condition and risks losing her physical and mental health, as well as years of her precious life. We raise our voices and desperately ask for help to return Yoon to his beloved, her future, and those simple and pure dreams that she and her family have planned.

We ask for diligence because never as now "time is precious". For those who are not familiar with the Internet and social networks, you can get information from family members. To make a donation to the fundraising.

We thank those who have already supported this cause with their donations and with expressions of love and affection.

We will keep forever in our hearts all those who will help us, ready to return this love to those who will need it in the future.

We, the undersigned, request the Court to consider our appeal for innocence. All the undersigned can vouch for the integrity and morality of the person accused.

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The "Unlocking Hope: URGENT fundraiser for Freedom" petition to Judge assigned to the case was written by Filippo Battocchio and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.