University of the Bahamas

At this point, the request to get the Nursing Programme at the University of The Bahamas, NBC has already been made; this petition will help with said process. Most nursing students dread the move and preparations it takes to leave home and get situated into a foreign environment. while others actually enjoy the experience. This petition is to be signed by pre-nursing, first year, and second year nursing students that would like to remain or return to the Northern Bahamas Campus for the programme.

The goal is to get as many signatures as possible to catalyze to the act of getting the first two years of the Nursing Programme at the Northern Bahamas Campus.

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The University of the Bahamas, NBC: 1st and 2nd Year Nursing Programme petition to University of the Bahamas was written by Tashia M Munroe and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

northern nursing bahamas NBC