
So how will this new data charging work? To the prepaid customers, after you have used all your free data or megabytes included in any Aweh weekly subscription, a daily fee of N$2 is charged when the data session is initiated at the beginning of the day (00:00).

The small fee allows customers access to 10 Megabytes until midnight. When the customers reach their daily usage limit, the data session will be suspended until the next day cycle so that there will be no surprises. We have also introduced a functionality where the customer will now receive a notification sms when they reach 8 Megabytes (meaning 80% of their daily 10 Megabytes per day), simply notifying the customer that their daily data session is almost exhausted, and will recommend that the customer buy a new data bundle by calling *682#.

We will apply exactly the same principles to our Postpaid Select packages; when a customer reaches 80% of its data on monthly subscription on his/her package, an SMS will notify the customer about the pending data depletion and that a daily fee will be charged once depleted. The daily fee will depend on the subscription; the higher the subscription, the more data the customer can use during the day, so please see information on our website pertaining to daily fees that apply to different packages.

Also important to note is when postpaid customer reaches their daily data usage limit, the data session will be suspended till the next day’s cycle unless the customer opts to buy a new data bundle. The same SMS notification will be send to the postpaid customer as the prepaid. This new system is consistent with the data bundles that MTC introduced in the market some years back.

And to make this even more exciting, Ekandjo explains that MTC has now doubled the Megabytes of the data bundles, i.e. with the same price customer will get double Megabytes.

The data bundles also generate an SMS that will always notify the customer when usage reaches 80%, which puts the customer in much better control of their usage.

We, the undersigned, call on MTC to immediately put an end to the theft of the Namibian people's hard earned money and to pay back the money already stolen from fellow Namibians.

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The Stop MTC's 2 N$ a Day Theft petition to MTC was written by Blitz and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

fraud MTC